With a little over one week left in my 5th quarter out of 6 at Anderson, I've begun getting a little nostalgic. When I look back at my first year and where I was prior to starting school, I'm amazed at the number of experiences I've been through and how much I've changed personally and professionally.
I started thinking of lessons learned to share with prospective MBA students, but was saved by a classmate of mine, Nathan Adelman.
He recently wrote the below 5 lessons learned for The Anderson Exchange, our student newspaper.
Keep in mind that these lessons are Nate's view on how to maximize your MBA experience at Anderson, and thus might not all be applicable to those of you who are reading this for fun and might not attend our program.
As I approach the home stretch of my Anderson MBA, I have had some time to reflect on some of the most meaningful lessons that I have learned as both a student and as a Teaching Assistant. I believe the following ideas apply to most Anderson students, regardless of your career track. Here is my list of the top five things to help you make the most of your time at Anderson.
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