Bus pass!
Many of you coming for A-Days will see several students' apartments in Brentwood, West LA, and Santa Monica. If you're scared of the commute from any of these places because of the dreaded LA traffic (and yes, it can be as bad as you've heard), don't be. You'll probably be near a bus stop for the Big Blue Bus.
I've started taking the bus more this quarter and I've really enjoyed my experience so far. Yes, door-to-door takes longer, but I'm able to relax, read on my phone or read for school, and not worry about traffic. And as a student, you're able to buy the BruinGO! Flash Pass which gives you unlimited rides on the Big Blue Bus or Culver City Bus during a quarter. Or you're able to pay for a ride $0.50 (vs. $1 as a non-student) each way Just something to think about and look into next year.
Working out
In my last post, I forgot to mention the pools! Probably because the ones I know about are all outdoor, and it's been too cold. But it's been warming up lately, and I intend on taking full advantage of them. North pool's right next to Anderson, the SAC only a stone's throw away. Sunset Canyon is a bit of a hike, but well worth it. Olympic size pool and beautiful. I love that area.
Over and out for now
Dwight Asuncion '15