Last time I checked in was on the way to Costa Rica, so this will be a short blog post about the value of a relaxing vacation (whether international or otherwise) prior to the pre-orientation trips, orientation, and school!
My trip to Costa Rica started out with a bang...when the hydraulic support for one of the engines on our plane decided not to start. Three hours later, after two mechanical fixes, two trips back to gate, a deplane and re-board, we departed LA.
A few hours after that we arrived in Houston just in time for me to miss my connection to Costa Rica. Who would have thought that three hours of a layover would turn into an overnight trip? Fortunately, my girlfriend still lives in Houston, so a disappointing flight experience turned into an unplanned visit with her and our dog Campbell.

(Cam, as we call him, is an adopted terrier mix. Super friendly, super quiet, thinks he's a person.)
The next morning I was back at the airport and finally on my way to Costa Rica. I flew into Liberia, which is a smaller airport on the west side of the country, and significantly closer to Tamarindo (my final destination) than the main airport in San Jose. An hour's drive brought me from the airport to the cabina that I was renting for my trip, where I immediately dropped into a waiting hammock.

(I love hammocks...perfect place to relax.)
Once I settled into my apartment, I wandered the town to get my bearings, and then proceeded to spend the rest of my trip hanging at the beach.

(My attempt at a photographic shot of the beach through some palm trees.)
I'm a huge fan of the beach as a place to relax and take your mind off of things, which is why I chose Costa Rica as my getaway prior to school starting. I think it's important for people to have the chance to take a breather after they've moved, worked there way through some of the pre-orientation tasks, and the general stress/excitement that comes with starting a new thing.

Apparently I'm not the only one who thought the beach would be a good place to relax and think... but as shown below, I prefer to do my relaxing with a beer in one hand and a book (or e-book) in the other.

Having never been to Costa Rica before the trip, I was impressed with the general friendliness of the people in Tamarindo. I was also surprised that there were quite a few expatriates who owned/operated several restaurants, hostels, and surf schools in town - people who had come to visit and never left.

(A crab tried to join the crew at a local bar one night during some Olympics watching. It made it out of the bar alive...I think. The bar did serve dishes with crab and this one was crawling towards the kitchen. Fate?)
While in Costa Rica, I finished reading The Start-Up of You, which offers a fascinating perspective about approaching your career in a similar fashion to how entrepreneurs establish start-up companies. For more on it, and other good books to read pre-MBA, check out fellow blogger Ann's post!

Right before leaving Costa Rica I found out that my pre-orientation trip had been cancelled (not enough people signed up) and I switched to another one. With the knowledge that I'd still be on the water (I went from canoeing to kayaking), I went down to the beach for one last sunset and mentally prepared myself for all that was about to start.
I left Costa Rica refreshed and excited... and my excitement only continues to grow as we get closer to school starting.
Next post will be about my pre-orientation trip!
~Kyle Forrest, follow on Twitter and follow UCLAMBA