At Anderson, MBA students have the opportunity to address quintessential questions, such as: "What would happen if Queen, Chuck Norris and the Most Interesting Man in the World (MIMW) put on a show together?" Obviously, I am not talking about the MBA curriculum, but rather about my section skit, which we performed on the last day of the two-week leadership program. Before the program started, students were separated in five sections of 70 to study leadership together and, among other things, compete for the prized Section Cup (see picture below). Thus, sections battled with sportsmanship against each other in various activities – Olympics, team spirit, section skit, etc. – for the privilege of winning The Cup.
My section being especially foolish ambitious, we decided to produce a Queen rock opera for our skit because studying leadership and group dynamics 10-12 hours a day for about two weeks just wasn’t time-consuming enough. Frankly, I am surprised how smoothly the whole project went. A dozen of us, including yours truly, brainstormed for about two hours and came up with the Queen/Norris/MIMW concept. We then divided the work into three acts/songs – rewriting Queen songs was definitely the longest part – and a talented colleague seamlessly put it all back together. We rehearsed as a group for about five hours, et voila!
But why add Chuck Norris and MIMW to the cast, you might wonder. Well, Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open – and that’s fact #4 – so he just had to be in the skit. As for the MIMW, he might be the only man cooler than Chuck Norris, so incorporating him was a no-brainer. And by the way, my section did win the skit contest, which also led us to winning the cup (see below). Is there anything Chuck Norris can’t do?
Chuck Norris (with the hat) is evaluating how far he'll have to stretch to roundhouse kick the cup into the face of the Most Interesting Man in the World (in the suit).