My regular readers (both of them) have been clogging my inbox (thanks Mom) asking me why I haven't said anything recently. The truth is...I caught the dreaded Ander-flu.
The Ander-flu is the bug that infects almost every first year either during orientation or soon thereafter. Here we are in the first week, and you could conduct a chorus of coughing during class. Unofficially, I count 20 people out of our section of 72.
I think the Ander-flu comes from our freezing cold classrooms - which are decidedly warmer now; I'd like to think that it's because I keep complaining on the blog, but it's probably because someone called maintenance -- and because we're all on limited sleep and hyper-active schedules.
Oh, and all of the orientation "networking sessions" at the bar didn't help at all
So I promise to write more about the first week here at Anderson soon, once all of this Theraflu kicks in. Till then!
-- Sreesha