Thanks to all of our wonderful faculty, alumni, and student volunteers, A-Days 1 was a success! We welcomed over 100 admits and sig-o's for a weekend of fun and insight into the UCLA Anderson community. Now, that it's over, though, it's time for me to focus on finals (one individual paper and two group papers) and the completion of my AMR project.
For those of you unfamiliar with AMR, it is a 2nd year project that gives you the opportunity to incorporate and apply many of the concepts you've learned during your time at UCLA Anderson. My team's client is a local nonprofit organization that is hoping to grow, so our recommendations will center on specific actions that will strategically prepare them for this goal. Our project has been eighteen weeks in the making, and the written report is due next Friday. We'll then present our findings and recommendations to the client a couple of weeks later.
Meanwhile, the A-Days committee has already started planning for A-Days 2! The second visit weekend will take place on April 4-6 - those of you who are accepted in Round 2 will receive an invitation to A-Days 2 shortly thereafter. You'll get to meet lots of current students and other admits to gain a better sense of the network you can build here at UCLA Anderson. We hope to see many of you there!! And let me know if you have any questions about visiting the campus or attending A-Days 2 - I'd be happy to answer them.