Hello, everybody! I know I've been away for a looong time, and I'm really sorry. My life has been crazy hectic lately, but I wanted to share a couple of things I've been working on and events I've attended since my last post to you all:
- Video Games 101: An event in the Entertainment Management Association's (EMA) educational series, I helped to coordinate this overview of the video game industry. Our guest speaker was an Anderson alum and works as a consultant for several major companies in this area.
- TV 101: Another event for the EMA! I also worked on this one, where we brought in another alumni, who works at a market research firm, and a student in the EMBA program, who works in marketing for ABC TV, to speak to us about their experiences in the television industry.
- Disney Day-on-the-Job: A large group of Anderson students were invited to attend this on-site company visit, where representatives, including some Anderson alumni, gave us an overview of The Disney Company and their specific roles. We also got to meet and network with recruiters from most of the Company's divisions.
- AMR: My group is now planning for our primary research studies, as well as starting to delve into secondary research, to help develop a growth strategy for a local non-profit organization.
- Classes: I've been finishing up readings and working with my Entertainment Marketing group to develop a fresh marketing campaign for a film that previously did not perform well in the theatres.
- Internship: I'm almost done with my project, and hoping to finalize details with potential partners before my presentation to the division's VP in a couple of weeks.
Whew! As you can probably guess, I'm really looking forward to the next few days off. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the weekend, too!!