Each year, almost 20% of the second year class takes advantage of UCLA Anderson's membership to the extensive PIM network of leading international business schools to study abroad. My friends are currently spread around the world from Sydney to Hong Kong to Barcelona, gathering unique experiences, fantastic photo ops, new friends, and a global perspective. So, as I plan for another weekend at home, while my boyfriend (who's studying at HEC in Paris) trips around Austria, I thought it might help me to write out some reasons I'm glad to be domestic this quarter.
1) I got to be a Section Leader for Orientation! Read here to see how much I enjoyed doing this.
2) The fall quarter is the only time that Entertainment Marketing and Entertainment Law are offered. And since I was drawn to UCLA Anderson for its courses in Entertainment Management, these unique classes are right up my alley.
3) I'm starting an academic internship next week to get hands-on experience with market research in the entertainment industry.
4) I can keep up with all my favorite TV shows (I know, but I love TV...and now I can consider it as "research" for my future career).
5) Rosenfeld Library has new facilities and furniture - and I get to use them when they're all new!