Having little or no experience with accounting, excel, and business related math (it’s a misnomer that architects need to know a math – we have consulting engineers for that). I took the opportunity to take in all the pre-orientation classes offered by Anderson prior to the first week of orientation. What does that amount to you ask? Five days (Monday through Thursday) and a Saturday of 9am-4pm classes with an hour break for lunch.
For someone who’s been on vacation for more than a month (although working remotely writing for other online blogs), the whole experience of being back in class, was quite an undertaking and somewhat of a rude awakening to the coming weeks of school. In many ways it was an evil necessity that actually relieved some of the anxiety I had regarding my background in architecture going into Business School. I was worried about my lack of finance, economics, and banking, but found that many of my fellow classmates are in the same boat.