This blog post is part of our "Application Insider" blog post series that provides insider information, tips, and advice about applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program.
Thinking Through Your Short- and Long-term Goals
Before pursuing an MBA, it’s important to carefully think through why you want to pursue this particular degree, what you hope to gain, and how it will impact your career. This is why career pathing is crucial to submitting a compelling application. It will help you decide if an MBA is right for you, determine when you should pursue an MBA, and help you focus on what you need to do in order to reach your future career goals. Career pathing will even help you decide where to apply.
The first step to career pathing is to consider your past and present experiences, and accomplishments. Think about what you’ve done so far, the skills that you’ve gained, what you like most about your experiences, and what you like least. Reflecting on your career to date will provide you with insight into your strengths and areas of development. Think about how this information can inform your decision to pursue an MBA and potentially set the foundation for your post-MBA career goals
Next, think about the type of career that you hope to have post-MBA. Be specific and narrow down the function and industry that you would be interested in pursuing. Consider what skills you will need to be successful in your post-MBA career and what you hope to accomplish throughout your career. A big part of career pathing is to also research the types of companies that you would like to target. Based on your post-MBA goals, what would be the top three companies where you would like to work?
Once you’ve taken a thorough look at your pre-MBA work experience and thought through your post-MBA goals, you can then focus on how you will use your time in an MBA program. Understanding the transferable skills that you already have, will help you target the areas that you want to develop further through an MBA program. When evaluating the skills that you want to develop further, you should consider both “hard” and “soft” skills. Hard skills refer to specific teachable abilities or skill sets, such as improving your quantitative background or focusing on a specific specialization. Soft skills tend to be more interpersonal in nature. For example, you may want to improve your teamwork ability, your communication, and/or your leadership skills. Consider not just the skills that you want to gain, but how you will gain them. Are there particular courses, clubs, or career resources that you will benefit from?
An MBA will help you bridge the gap between where you currently are in your career and where you want to be in the future. You want to understand your motivations for pursuing an MBA, your current skillsets, and areas of development, so that you can pinpoint what resources you will need for your continued development and ultimately decide which MBA programs you are targeting. Creating an outline with this information will not only help you understand the impact that an MBA can have on your life and career, but it will also make it easier for you to write compelling MBA essays and support your MBA plan throughout the application process.
Check back for more "Application Insider" blog posts that will cover information and tips on the many aspects of applying to the UCLA Anderson MBA program!
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