This post is a part of the Student Perspectives series - each post is written by a current UCLA Anderson student, and provides first-hand perspectives and experiences about being an MBA student at UCLA Anderson.
I can’t say enough good things about how the Fall and Winter Quarter went – I definitely think I won the lottery with the classes I took and professors that taught them. Having majored in business, I was familiar with the topics we were covering in our core courses, but to say that I learned more in 10 weeks in one quarter here at Anderson than I did in a whole semester in undergrad would be an understatement.
In Data & Decisions, I learned several key statistical analysis techniques that will be immensely beneficial for my summer internship and post-MBA career. Data is becoming an integral part of every organization and being able to synthesis and draw clear conclusions is a skill that will be essential at every level within organizations in the not so distant future. I plan to take an elective that will build on these concepts and equip me with even more tactics on how to deliver key insights from data.
I also took Managerial Economics this Fall quarter, and I don’t think I ever really realized how important economic principles are in the foundations of so many other schools of thought. Not only was this class challenging and extremely interesting, it also taught me how to address business problems from an economics perspective. My final core class in the Fall Quarter was Marketing Management. UCLA Anderson offers a truly unique opportunity because depending on what your target industry is, you have the option to take either Marketing or Finance and prepare yourself for the industry you are recruiting for. Marketing Management was far and away my favorite class from the Fall Quarter. I learned so much more than simply what makes a marketing campaign successful; we took a deep dive into understanding how a company’s overall strategy needs to be in line with how and what it is marketing as well as who the company is targeting.
It is very apparent that UCLA Anderson has spent many painstaking hours curating the core curriculum and scheduling them in such a way that every subsequent class builds on what we have learned before. One of the best aspects of the core classes at Anderson is my Learning Team. Learning Teams are a group of five students that have been hand selected and completes all the group projects in the core classes together. All the members on my learning team have very different backgrounds which makes for a great learning environment. Read more about Learning Teams in a blog post recently written by my classmate.
I feel like I speak for all of us in the Class of 2019 when I say that the core classes here at UCLA Anderson have been nothing short of fantastic and we look forward to Spring Quarter!
-- Brad King '19
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