This post is a part of the Student Blogger series - each post is written by a current UCLA Anderson student, and provides first-hand perspectives and experiences about being an MBA student at UCLA Anderson.
When applying to business school, the collaborative, supportive culture at Anderson stood out to me above all else. In the two months that I have been here so far, the thing that has most exemplified this culture is the Ally Program. Three different student clubs, the Women’s Business Connection, Out@Anderson and the Black Business Student Association offer an Ally membership option to help prevent discrimination against any population.
During lunch on Thursday, these groups hosted a Fireside Chat, which is a special event at Anderson where students have the opportunity to share stories and experiences with each other to champion what makes us unique and diverse. Allies from each of the three groups spoke about what being an Ally means to them and ways that everyone can show support and drive positive change in the world by speaking up and being an active Ally. It was powerful to be in such a safe space having an open conversation about what we can do better and how to be brave and stand up for others.
The day ended with the Dean's Office sponsoring Anderson Afternoons (a weekly tradition where Anderson students gather every Thursday afternoon to mingle and unwind over food and drinks) to support ally signups for the three clubs, and hundreds of students registered as Allies. Support from the administration and students alike truly embodies the core quality at Anderson of “sharing success” and makes me proud to be part of the Anderson family.
Student Blogger: Abby Williamson '18 Undergrad: Northwestern University Pre-MBA: Co-Founder, Storybook Princess Parties (children's entertainment company) Leadership@Anderson: |
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